Dry nipples? Here’s how you can treat and prevent them!

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As a new mummy, you know that breastfeeding is good for your baby, way better than formula. And of course, you want what’s best for your baby, but breastfeeding can be quite a challenge. My nipples became very dry after breastfeeding. Fortunately, my lactation consultant helped a lot and told me how to prevent and treat this. Because if left untreated, dry nipples can become sore and cracked leading to bleeding or all kinds of nasty infections. And you don’t want this to happen. It can really interfere with breastfeeding your baby. Some mothers get desperate because breastfeeding is painful and they just stop doing it. And that is a real shame! Let’s take a look at the causes for dry nipples first and then let’s discuss how to prevent it.

The causes for dry nipples during breastfeeding

The most important cause for breastfeeding problems such as dry nipples is an improper latch. If your baby is sucking on the nipple rather than the breast tissue behind the nipple, this causes irritation. So make sure your baby is latched properly. You can ask a lactation consultant for help or watch our video on a good latch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgSjgmR09HA

Another cause for your nipples to get dry is using soap or perfumed washing gels on your nipples. The skin on and around your nipples is very sensitive and especially soap can be extremely drying. The result is dryness and cracking. Lastly, your bra could cause irritation when rubbing against your nipples.

Treating and preventing dry nipples

Keep your nipples dry between feeds. Let them air-dry or pad them gently with a soft towel. Also, you could use a soft cotton nursing bra to avoid irritation. To protect your nipples before and during breastfeeding use Multi-Mam Balm. It’s based on vegetable oils and keeps your nipples soft and supple. And the best part is, you don’t have to remove it prior to breastfeeding!

Check out these videos for more information on breastfeeding:http://www.multi-mam.com/videos.html


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