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You’ve been at work all day and you have a hot date afterwards. Or maybe it’s that time of the month and you feel a bit unclean. These are the moments when you would really need a virtual shower. The #1 concern of women in this case is odour. We tend to reapply deodorant during our lunch break, spray some perfume on the wrists in between meetings, or quickly brush our teeth before an after-lunch meeting. But what about our intimate area?. Is it safe to spray perfume there? The answer is no!


Countering vaginal odour

First of all, women should not be embarrassed about their natural vaginal odour. However, wanting to feel clean and refreshed down there is completely understandable. Perfume is not the way to tackle odour. Here’s why. Perfumes are composed of mostly synthetic fragrances and diluting solvents to ensure that the concentration of fragrance is not irritating to the skin. The most common diluting solvent is ethanol, a type of alcohol, or ethanol and water.


Skin irritants and the vulva

Alcohol is a known irritant, but doesn’t generally affect the skin on the rest of our body because this skin is less sensitive to changes in pH and other environmental irritants. The anatomy of the vulva however is quite different. It is a delicate balanced eco-system with an ideal pH range that must be maintained. Therefore, the skin of the vulva is much more sensitive. Aside from the obvious risk of burning sensations, the potential result of an irritant like alcohol coming in contact with the vulva is vulvitis, a condition which causes irregular discharge, itching, irritation, and vaginal odor – the exact motivation for trying perfume in the first place. In addition, an imbalance in pH, or unwanted bacterial growth can result in inflammation of the external vaginal area.


Disrupting the flora

Products such as soaps, perfumed toilet paper, fabric softeners and even some feminine hygiene sprays can actually worsen vaginal odour and discomfort by disrupting the flora and causing inflammation. Furthermore, if there is any prior skin condition such as open sores, the alcohol can actually penetrate the skin and cause an allergic reaction which is potentially much more serious than irritation.


Direct relief

If you are looking for a safe way to diminish odour, good vaginal hygiene is key.  And for direct relief from odour or any other vaginal discomfort such as itching and irritation, Multi-Gyn offers IntiSkin, a spray that can be used whenever relief is needed.


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