Posted in Multi-Gyn Vaginal Products
So ladies, let’s get down to the intimates! Have you ever experienced a moment when you needed freshening up or quick relief from irritation. burning or itching? Maybe you’re camping, playing tennis, maybe you’re sitting in a crucial lecture or meeting and can’t afford to lose concentration. Maybe you’re at some mad rave, and let’s face it toilets are never the most hygienic, so much so that even crouching wouldn’t stop that bacteria entering places that are otherwise out of bounds! Or maybe your night is looking somewhat like an episode from ‘Sex and the City’ but you’re feeling slightly uncomfortable and feel the need to freshen up without having to go home for a shower – well Multigyn has the solution for you! With its intimate wipes IntiFresh and IntiSkin spray, fresh on the market – Not only will these products wipe those worries away, but they’re also completely natural, which means they can only be of benefit to your body! Try them once and you’ll never leave home without them again!
For a complete overview of the health benefits of both products as well as all Multi-Gyn products take a look at the full product profiles on this website.
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