How do chemicals found in products harm the body?

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We know chemicals harm our body. We’ve been hearing this over and over again on the media, in classrooms and we’re constantly urged to find natural alternatives to everything we do, eat and touch. But how exactly do artificial chemicals harm the body?

Unfortunately, it is a fact. This is not a gimmick perpetuated by sales persons and businesses to sell their products. Artificial chemicals are found in a lot of things we use on a day-to-day basis and they cause more harm than we probably suspect. Chemicals started being mass-produced in the objects which clutter our life to replace the natural ingredient, like wood, leather or oils. This replacement occurs because it is more cost effective and because the artificial chemical binds the elements together better. This has started happening more and more often in the past 50 years, giving rise in the past half a decade or so, to more awareness on the harms these chemicals may have in the long-term.

A number of chemical substances do not degrade in the human body but linger, affecting our hormonal and nervous system. Over 300 substances have been found by researchers in blood and breast milk samples, giving rise to a number of allergies and in some cases, worse consequences. Children are especially sensitive to this as their vital organs are still developing.


Phthalates, Aluminium, Parabens and Fragrance

These four “ingredients” make up much of the products we use on our skin and body. Products such as shampoos, deodorants and other skin products have one or more of these listed on the back. However, did you know that elevated amounts of phthalates could result in lower IQ levels? Or that aluminum may have neurotoxic effects (brain), and possibly effects on bone and reproduction? Parabens on the other hand, may have so many side effects that most people today avoid them or have even grown allergic to them. Very often however, so many products use parabens for their ability to provide protection from micro-organisms, that it’s almost impossible to find paraben-free products on supermarket shelves. Amongst its side-effects: interference with glandular activity and hormone production, premature aging, and in children, developmental disorders, dysfunction of the immune system, learning problems as well as reproductive disorders. When you see the word “fragrance” or “perfume” in the list of ingredients, don’t be fooled. This is very usually just another word for an artificial chemical which people very often develop allergic reactions to. We don’t wish to enter into the merits of whether these chemicals may also be cancerous. Links have already been made, given how many of these chemicals emulate natural hormones and may therefore produce an excess. But, we feel there isn’t sufficient research at this moment in time to be able to draw an informed conclusion.

So, do you still think your deodorant is as innocent as it looks? Think again.

Luckily enough however, a number of brands and companies are standing up to these “easy-to-use” chemicals, preferring to opt for natural ingredients in their products. Acorelle, Multi-Gyn and Multi-Mam are brands we represent here at SVEA and we believe in their work ethos. Their products use only natural and in some cases organic ingredients, free from harmful chemicals, which are effective and respect your body’s hormonal balance. After you’ve read this, knowing full well how harmful something we use every single day is, ask yourself would I give this to my child, in full knowledge of what it may cause? No, we didn’t think so either.

Check out our range of natural products and make the wise choice next time you’re on the look out for a new skin product.

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